DataFest is a competition and networking event. You will get the unique opportunity to work with a large dataset and analyze it using your own ideas as well as meet leaders and companies in the field of statistics. DataFest began in 2011 at UCLA, and is now sponsored by the American Statistical Association.
DataFest Germany 2017 is the third annual DataFest event organized in Germany. It is hosted by a consortium of the Statistics and Social Science Methodology Chair at the University of Mannheim, the Institute of Statistics of LMU Munich, and the P3 Group.
Click on the links below for more information about previous DataFest Germany events:
- DataFest 2016 in Munich (German only)
- DataFest 2015 in Mannheim (German only)
- DataFest at Duke University in the USA
DataFest assignments are kept secret until the beginning of the event. In previous years, we provided data from the Los Angeles Police Department, which were analyzed for solutions to reduce crime rates, as well as data from a dating site which were analyzed for characteristics which predicted the users' dating decisions.
In order to preserve the integrity of the event, we ask that you only work on the dataset while you are at the DataFest site. At least two team members from each team must be present at the beginning of the event.
At the close of the event, teams present their results to a jury of experts. Prizes are awarded in three categories:
Friday, 04/07, 7pm - Sunday 04/09, 4pm
Auditorium Building B6
University of Mannheim
Participants are invited to bring sleeping bags and stay in the hall at the University. Alternatively, Mannheim has several hotels and hostels near the university.
We provide food and drinks!
DataFest gives the enriching opportunity to students to gain experience analyzing real data and meeting employers. Employers are invited to participate in our Career Fair, as well as provide advice to the competing teams.
By providing financial support to DataFest Germany, not only do you allow us to host the students, but you will support the DataFest mission and expose students to challenging questions with immediate real-world significance that can be addressed through data analysis.
Post them in our Facebook-Group or contact us via email. We are looking forward to seeing you!
Your Datafest Germany Team
Here are some pictures from our last Datafest 2017
Bachelor and Masters-level students of all subjects are welcomed to apply in teams of 2-5 people. Because of the assignment's complexity, we recommend your team to consist of three people at least. Unfortunately, we will not accept teams with doctoral students or post-docs. If you would still like to participate, contact us to be considered as a DataFest Germany advisor.
If you still need members to form a team, you can meet other interested students through our DataFest Group on Facebook.
Applications are open until Thursday, March 16, 2017. Space is limited, so only the first 20 teams will be accepted.
To complete the registration process, each team will need to pay a 20€ fee. Payment is due to the Universität Mannheim
Bank account to transfer the participation fee:
Account holder: Universität Mannheim
Bank: Baden-Württembergische Bank
IBAN: DE 13600501017496501068
Subject: PSP 4420600001 "Your Groupname"
IMPORTANT: Without correct PSP-information the fee willl not be transfered!
Only the 20 teams that apply first can participate, as places are limited.
Unfortunately, you cannot participate, if you do your doctorate at the moment or alredy finished it, as we do not want the kowledge of the teams to differ to much. BUT we would be delighted, if you participated at DataFest actively, by either supporting the teams with your knowledge or work at the dataset out of competition. If you are interested in that or just want further information, you can contact us at info@datafest.de.
Lehrstuhl für Statistik und sozialwissenschaftliche Methodenlehre
Universität Mannheim
68131 Mannheim
Telefon: +49 (0)621 - 181 2004
Telefax: +49 (0)621 - 181 2021
Verantwortlich für den Inhalt:
Malte Schierholz
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COPYRIGHT 2016 | DataFest Germany e.V.